Applying for a School place
In-Year Admissions
In-Year admissions are to be made directly to Chingford Foundation School, please contact the school and apply using the In-Year Application Form at the bottom of the page.
For further information about admissions, please contact our Admissions Manager on 020 8529 1853.
Year 6 Admission to Year 7
Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026
Applying for a Year 7 place in a normal September admission round
Open Evening - Thursday 3rd October 2024
The Admission Authority of Chingford Foundation School is The Chingford Academies Trust (the Governing body of the School). At Chingford Foundation School, we follow the Local Authority admissions procedure. The London Borough of Waltham Forest administer applications for entry to Year 7. Applications are to be made through or the Common Application Form from 1st September until 31st October. If your child has an older sibling on roll at the school, you still must apply. National Offer Day for Year 7 places for September 2025 is 1st March 2025.
Please note, as well as the Local Authority application form, there is an additional Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for Chingford Foundation School that must be completed and returned to the Admissions Manager at the school. This Supplementary Information Form is available here Supplementary Information Form 2025 and also on the Waltham Forest website.
Pupils will be admitted normally at age 11 and without reference to ability. The Published Admission Number (PAN) for entry to Year 7 is 240. The school will accordingly admit up to 240 pupils if sufficient applications are received. All applicants will be admitted if 240 or fewer apply. When applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be offered in accordance with the Oversubscription Criteria (if there are more applications than places in the normal Year 7 admission round.)
Children who have been unsuccessful in gaining a place for admission to Year 7 will be placed on the Local Authority Waiting List. Any places which become available are filled in accordance with our published Admissions Arrangements.
The admissions arrangements provide that, following the admission of children with Education Health and Care Plans that name the School, when applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be offered in accordance with the following criteria:
Looked after children and all previously looked after children. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or Special Guardianship Order).*
Children who have a sibling on roll at Chingford Foundation School at the time of admission.**
Children of staff where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
Children within the Catchment Area, in order of distance from the school, defined as a straight line from the measurement point of the child’s home address (as defined by the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) to the main pedestrian gate, using the Local Authority’s computerised mapping system called Routefinder GIS, with priority being given to the nearest child/children. All distances will be measured in miles.*** The Catchment Area is defined as follows:
To the North - The boundary line of the London Borough of Waltham Forest
To the West - The boundary line of the London Borough of Waltham Forest
To the South - Hall Lane up to and including The Old Hall Tavern and numbers 161 and 198. Russell Road from number 75a to 97 and number 48 to 58. New Road up to the Chingford/Highams Park Railway Line
To the East - The Chingford/Highams Park Railway Line from New Road up to and including Bury Road
Children in order of distance from the school, defined as a straight line from the measurement point of the child’s home address (as defined by the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) to the main pedestrian gate, using the Local Authority’s computerised mapping system called Routefinder GIS, priority being given to the nearest child/children. All distances will be measured in miles.***
If operation of these criteria does not separate applicants, a process of random allocation will be undertaken to determine priority. The random allocation process will be supervised by a person independent of the school.
Definitions and further clarification * A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. Also included in this over-subscription criterion are: children who were adopted under the Adoption Act 1976 (see section 12 adoption orders) and children who were adopted under the Adoption and Children’s Act 2002 (see section 46 adoption orders). Child Arrangements orders are defined in s.8 of the Children Act 1989, as amended by s.12 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Child arrangements orders replace residence orders and any residence order in force prior to 22 April 2014 is deemed to be a child arrangements order. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).
** Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling and has a sibling attending Chingford Foundation School at the time of admission. Where the sibling is in Yr12, only those who previously attended Chingford Foundation School to sit their GCSEs qualify their brother or sister for a place in Yr7. Where the only sibling is in Yr11 or Yr13, they will not qualify their brother or sister because they will no longer be on roll on the 1st September.
***This criterion relates to the student’s recognised permanent home address and place of residence at the time of the closing date for applications to the Local Authority. Documentation should be included to verify this address. The offer of a place will be revoked if the address given is found not to be the permanent address. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, the child’s home address will be taken to be the address of the main parent/carer eligible to receive Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit. The address that appears on the Application Form must be the permanent place of residence for the pupil named. In cases where places have been obtained fraudulently the school will invoke its legal right to withdraw the place.
- Admissions Policy 2024 2025
- Admissions Policy 2025 2026
- Appeals against Admissions to Year 7 2024
- Catchment Area Map
- Chingford Foundation School In Year Application Form
- Chingford Foundation School Supplementary Information Form Sept 2025
- eAdmissions Guide Waltham Forest
- Privacy Notice
- Waltham Forest Starting Secondary School 2025