House update
Sir Jack Petchey CBE (1925 - 2024)
We were very sad to learn the news that Sir Jack Petchey passed away on 27 June.
Chingford Foundation School, like so many other organisations within east London and Essex, has benefitted from the philanthropy of Sir Jack Petchey through the Jack Petchey Awards. Many of our students who have received a Jack Petchey Award have gained inspiration and motivation from being recognised for their outstanding efforts and achievements.
We are grateful to Sir Jack Petchey for his generosity through the Jack Petchey Award scheme and send our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
We understand that the Jack Petchey Award scheme will continue and we are very happy to be able to celebrate the legacy of Sir Jack Petchey's life by inspiring more of our students to do great things.
Jack Petchey Awards
Congratulations to our recent Jack Petchey Award winners!
Alice in Year 9 (Gaia House) has won the April award. Alice was nominated by the Drama department, who said: "Alice has shone brightly through her drama, she has actively given to all the productions we have done since she joined the school. Alice is thoughtful and considerate and is always so enthusiastic about what we are creating. Alice has also gone above and beyond in her house leadership role leading a creating a team of students to deliver the school’s House mental awareness week."
Kye in Year 10 (Artemis House) has been nominated by the P.E department for the May award. The PE teachers said: "Over the last two years Kye has been training to become a football referee. He has shown commitment and dedication as he works his way through the award levels. Importantly he has been giving up his Saturdays and Sundays in order to referee junior games for his club. It’s his way of giving back to the community."
Qadijo in Year 12 (Apollo House) has been nominated by the Sixth Form team for the June award, the staff involved said: "Qadijo has actively supported fundraising efforts for the Sands charity in the past is continuing to hold fundraising activities to raise money this year. Her latest venture was a bake sale held in school. She baked most of the cupcakes herself. Through her efforts she raised over £200 from this single event. Qadijo is a valued member of our school family and has offered to hold other charity events to raise money for other good causes."
When awarded a Jack Petchey the student receives £300 to spend on resources for the school. The students will discuss with the relevant departments and they will decide together what the money should be spent on.
Congratulations to all three students, we are very proud of you all!
Competition updates 27 June 2024
Details of the recent House Competition winners can be found here.
House Week 11 March 2024
Our fourth House Week commenced 11 March 2024. For this, the Houses joined up with the Science Department to celebrate British Science Week. The week centred around the Science Department with an early kick off on 6 March with the Year 7 Chemistry Show held in the main hall.
This event was a real success and the Year 7 students really enjoyed the show. The Science Department took the lead on form time activities and these included: Science in the news, Science for careers and the House Science quiz. The star of the form time activities was without doubt the online assembly delivered by Dr Rhys Morgan - Director of Engineering and Education at Royal Academy of Engineers. A big thanks to the Doctor for giving us a very well thought out and creative assembly - not the easiest task when delivering to the whole school.
In keeping with appreciation, may I take this opportunity to thank the whole Science Department, but particularly Mrs Cassidy, who provided numerous opportunities for our students. These included a Science Spelling Bee (results below), dissections, a fire and flame session and a playdough circuits session. Those students who signed up for these sessions really enjoyed them.
A reminder here to all pupils that if you want to take part in the activities that the School provide (and why wouldn’t you?!) please make sure you listen out for announcements in form and assembly and read your Edulink messages. Since the Science sessions were very popular we had many students who turned up on the day that were disappointed when we delivered tickets to those that had signed up. Many others wanted to participate but it was too late - sessions were full. In future, please be sure to sign up - that way if we have full sessions, we can look at providing additional events if at all possible.
2 March 2024
We held our third House week w/c 22 January. The week centred
around House leadership teams delivering assemblies to their respective Houses on topics that were close to their hearts. Assemblies were given on British Sign Language (Gaia House), Men’s Mental Health (Artemis House), The Environment (Athena House), The Invention and Development of Cars (Zeus House) and Cultures (Apollo House).
The House leadership teams also put together the form activities for the whole week. These included quizzes and activities that form tutors and students could get involved in together. Overall the feedback suggests that the week as a whole was a great success. A big thank you and well done to the House leadership teams.
During the third half term PE ran some House competitions for students in Years 7-9. Bench ball and fitness activities were undertaken. When all the results were added up the final scores in terms of House points gained were as follows:
Athena House 115
Apollo House 75
Gaia House 55
Artemis House 50
Zeus House 45
We would like to thank the PE department for running these competitions.
We have had two more Jack Petchey winners. For the month of January Michael Woolf (Year 11, Gaia House) and for February, Megan Hobley (Year 9, Gaia House). They have both been awarded House points for their respective Houses.
When awarded a Jack Petchey the student receives £300 to spend on resources for the school. Michael invested his award into materials for the DT department that will be used in projects throughout the School. Megan will be going through the process soon to decide on where she wants her money spent.
Science Week
This half term our House week will be w/c 11 March. We are going to be working with the Science department in order to highlight British Science week. There will be a whole host of activities for students to take part in. Form times will be handed over to all things Science. We will be having an online assembly from an outside speaker. Dr Rhys Morgan - Director of Engineering and Education at Royal Academy of Engineers will be presenting to all forms on Wednesday 13 March. There will be an opportunity for students in Years 7 - 9 to enter a Science House Spelling Bee and activities to get involved with at lunchtime including dissection, fire and flame and playdough circuits. Book ending the events will be a Year 7 Chemistry show on the 6 March and a House Engineering Challenge with one pupil from each Year group making up teams of 7 for each House on Wednesday 20 March.
Students need to listen out in form to see how they can get involved in the various activities. Please make sure you read your Edulink messages for more details closer to the time.