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Chingford Foundation School

We pride ourselves on our unique environment which equips every student with skills, knowledge and enriching experiences.

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Through the study of Mathematics at Chingford Foundation School students will gain a firm foundation for understanding the world around them and making choices within it.  Mathematics is key to the appreciation of science and data, as well as providing the opportunity to reason, analyse, problem solve, and to work logically and methodically.

Through the study of mathematics our curriculum intends to develop young people who are:

  • Stretched within their ability range so they are always challenged whilst getting a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
  • Able to apply maths to real-life problems so they can find practical uses for their knowledge and skills.
  • Not blighted by ‘mathsphobia’ so they are not fearful of the subject, but can instead harness its power enthusiastically to meet their own goals.

The experience of students throughout their compulsory mathematics course is one of constantly revisiting the four main areas of mathematical study: number, shape and space, algebra, and statistics.  Each time gaining new knowledge and skills in those fields, whilst building links across them. 

Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9): 

At Key Stage 3 there are three main pathways, according to students’ level of current attainment in the subject. 

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11):

At Key Stage 4 students will follow a course which will lead to taking either the Higher or Foundation Edexcel GCSE.  Topic lists, for all routes of study in mathematics, can be seen in the accompanying learning journeys (links to be added).

Key Stage 5 (A-Level):

At Key Stage 5 (where mathematics is optional, however it is the most popular subject chosen at A-Level) students start to develop a deeper understanding of pure mathematics and how it can be applied to the physical world in mechanics, as well as strengthening the use of statistics.  Further Mathematics A-Level is also available to stretch our most dedicated mathematics students.  Both A-Levels are highly regarded for university entry and have significant impact on future earnings.

The main classroom experience is complemented by a variety of enrichment after school for those who are more interested, more capable, or in need of more assistance, than others.

Further information:

Please see below links for further information on the learning journey within Mathematics for each year group:

Mathematics Learning Journey Years 7 to 9, core

Mathematics Learning Journey Years 7 to 9, depth

Mathematics Learning Journey Years 7 to 9, support

Mathematics Learning Journey Years 10 and 11, foundation

Mathematics Learning Journey Years 10 and 11, higher