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Chingford Foundation School

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"Prevent" Duty Statement

In Chingford Academies Trust (comprising of Chingford and South Chingford Foundation Schools), we are committed to the protection and safety of pupils, staff and visitors to the schools in accordance with DfE guidance ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’ (2023) and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2024) An integral part of our safeguarding work relates to the government’s Prevent strategy and the duty it places on schools.

Our schools are committed to providing a secure environment where children and adults feel safe. All adults in the schools recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, irrespective of their role and irrespective of whether or not their role would normally involve direct work with pupils. Staff will be alert to issues including:

  • Disclosures by pupils of their exposure to extremist actions, views or materials outside of school whether in the home or community.
  • Graffiti symbols, writing, numbers or art work promoting extremist messages or images.
  • Pupils accessing extremist materials online, including through social networking sites.
  • Parental reports of changes in behaviour, friendship or actions and requests for assistance.
  • Use of extremist or ‘hate’ terms to exclude others or incite violence.
  • Intolerance of difference, whether secular or religious, or, in line with our equalities policy, views based on, but not exclusive to gender, disability, homophobia, race, colour or culture.

By continually developing our leadership and accountability practices, staff training opportunities (Home Office WRAP training and other training) referral systems and management of those referrals (please see our CAT policy) we strive to demonstrate a proactive and diligent approach to this aspect of our responsibilities for safeguarding and as educators.

Aligned with a consistent delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum including:

  • GCSE RS for all students
  • PSHE for all students
  • Assembly, Form Periods and drop down event programme

We strive to protect our pupils, and the wider community, against the threats of extremism, through the promotion of British Values, equality and cohesion.

We recognise that further information and support is available from the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (020 8496 2310), the Local Authority’s Community Safety team (020 8496 3000) and the Prevent Education Officer  amy.strode@walthamforest.gov.uk (07816 150037)

For further information about the national Prevent strategy, please click here.

Our Prevent Risk Assessment can be accessed below:

cfs prevent risk assessment 2024 25.pdf